Castle Fight (WW3 customs) RTS Look-Alike incoming.

Hello everyone, MacKnighter here.

I usually write my posts in Portuguese, as my games are for the Brazilian public, but this time i’m about to start a game for just everyone.

Warcraft 3 custom maps is a milestone for games. It has boosted the MOBA genre to the point of seeding the creation of League of Legends, the currently most played game in the world. It has created the ‘TOWER DEFENSE’ genre which is very popular in brower games and platforms like and

But a kind of game that has emerged among these classics mods, that did not get enough attention although being pretty fun is the ‘castle fight’ and it’s clones. At the time i didn’t gave much attention either, but had lots of friends that played that a lot and I was imagining the mechanics of a RTS-like game, when it suddenly hit me:
I was just dreaming of castle fight outside the world of warcraft (outside the world that warcraft 3, not the ‘world of warcraft’).

We already have some plans, gameplay, mechanics, lore, and artStyle already layed out.


We’re just writing a document describing the scope of the game so we dont get too loose in the implementation process. Be aware soldier.